Future of Humanity: Communities
Communities of the Future
Humans are wired to live in communal, mutually-supportive groups of several hundred people.
In this way, needs are met, resources are shared, and everyone has a place that fits within the whole.
Communities formed this way are a microcosm of the larger community of global humanity.
Capitalism Brought Individualism
Over the past several hundred years, however, exacerbated and accelerated by the advent of the industrial revolution and especially brought on by the introduction of capitalism, we began to specialize and individuate. Every person is for themself.
We no longer live in awareness of our connection to the whole. This is how we live now, and we are at the brink of a huge shift in how we live in community with others.
Effects Of Global Warming
Rising ocean levels will cause massive slow flooding of coastal areas, prompting a huge global exodus.
Some people will attempt to rebuild and re-create the lifestyle they experienced before the move, but other factors (economic, technological, socio-political) will influence decision-makers to create multitudes of smaller, more heterogenous communities.
Mututally Supportive Microcosms
Reminiscent of village life as evidenced in Middle Ages Europe and turn-of-the-twentieth-century small towns in Midwestern America, these communities will become microcosms of larger society, each with the requisite “butcher, baker, and candlestick maker”.
All members of these communities will support the community through their labors, and the communities will become internally interwoven, with each member contributing their personal speciality of focus.
What Communities Will Be Like
Self Sustainable
Communities will be far more self sustainable than your present towns and cities.
Each community will create and maintain gardens and orchards, capable of feeding that community, although communities will also trade foodstuffs with other communities to make best use of available resources.
Energy for electricity and other uses will be derived locally from small local power-making units that use nanotechnology.
Individual Communities Will Hold the Power
Politically, power focus will revert to individual communities, although because of the level of personal and communal evolution expected by that time, very few people will be interested in wielding power over others.
The efforts of people who attempt to wield power over others will be quickly modulated by other community members.
Communities will be self-governing, styled similarly to a true democracy (example: Quaker Friends’ Meeting), where each individual, young and old, has a voice in the proceedings of the community.
Communities Will Specialize
Many communities will begin to specialize in various areas of focus. Community members will gravitate to the community that best supports their particular area of focus in life.
In this way, these communities will develop and pursue a shared destiny that harmonizes and utilizes each member’s individual destiny.
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