Hi. I’m Talyaa.

Your Guide To The Spirit World

➣Understand Why You Are Here On Earth At This Time

➣Free Yourself From The Restraints Of Your Past

➣Feel Excited About Life

➣Be Enthusiastic To Share Your Gifts With The World

➣Create the Life You Want

You were born with a sacred purpose. Want to LIVE it?

You are a Divine Being having a physical experience

You have a sacred purpose on this planet

You can remember your purpose—your sacred destiny

You are here to help contribute to the planet in your unique way

Channeling Session

Get guidance and wisdom from Solara, a wise & loving spirit teacher.

A Channeling Session helps you understand your life from a higher perspective.

Get personalized guidance on topics like your important life choices, relationships, family, career, past lives, your spiritual path, and much more!

Shamanic Healing

Clear your blocks and heal ancestral patterns. Prepare to meet your spirit allies!

Shamanic Healing works to get you unstuck, heals on a deep level, and rebalances your energies.

This ancient energy medicine technique works gently yet effectively to clear blocks and reprogram you to your natural state of ease and flow.

Hi, I'm Talyaa

➢ Oracle, Channel, and Shamanic Healer since 1999.

➢I apprenticed with Celtic shamans for an entire year in 1999 and developed a shamanic healing method.

➢ As a result of a near death experience, I can envision people’s sacred purposes—their Destiny.

My Destiny is to help you uncover and live yours!

“Talyaa has a marvelous access to information that lies beyond our typical frame of awareness. Combining that gift with her love of many forms of healing and spiritual practice, she brings a unique experience to each of her clients. It’s a true joy to work with her!”

“Wow! Holy Cow! I’m at a loss of adequate words to describe how phenomenal this channeling is.”

“I would recommend Talyaa to anyone who seeks answers from a higher power.”

Questions? Get in touch.