Oracle of Destiny

Congratulations! Your payment to Oracle of Destiny was successfully processed.

What’s next:

Your transaction has been completed, and a receipt for your purchase has been emailed to you. 


If you ordered a NON-SCHEDULED SERVICE (any of the following):

  • Soul Discovery Reading
  • Life Destiny Reading

I will contact you via email to the email address you provided with your payment with any instructions and tell you when you may expect your completed reading.

If you ordered a SCHEDULED SERVICE (any of the following)

  • Twin Flame Reading
  • Channeling Session
  • Shamanic Healing Session
  • Soul Breakthrough Experience

…I will contact you via email to the email address you provided with your payment to book your session. I may also send you information/instructions for your session, depending on what you ordered.

If you ordered a Magical Goddess Journey, you’ll receive your digital book and companion guide shortly, delivered to the email address you provided with your payment.



 Thank you for your sacred trust in me. I look forward to being of service to you.

Questions? Get in touch.