Soul Breakthrough Experience

Come Home to Yourself — Feel On Course & Aligned With Your Soul. Break Through to Live As You Are Meant To!
Break Through To Discover Yourself

The Soul Breakthrough Experience

The Best Of What I Offer In A 9 Week Personally Facilitated Breakthrough Experience

In my archetypal role and actual lineage as ORACLE, I assembled a complete 9 week co-created experience. I combine and synergize my best offerings to give you an effective, long-lasting, and meaningful path to change yourself and your life.

In your Soul Breakthrough Experience, you receive: 1 Life Destiny Reading, 1 Wild & Delicious Life Forecast, 1 Soul Discovery Reading, 3 Shamanic Healing Sessions, and 3 Hours of Intuitive Soul Coaching.

Imagine The Power Of An ORACLE At Your Side — Together We Change Your World In 9 Weeks

Imagine how your life will change when you have access to an ORACLE who SEES who you truly are, SEES your Life Destiny, SEES your energy field with its blocks and actually heals those blocks with quantum level healing to unleash your power, SEES your coming year and forecasts it along with ways to make the best of what will come your way. I am your champion and Anam Cara for every step of the way.

Synergy Of My Oracle Gifts Accelerates Your Path To Transformation

The individual offerings harmonize and integrate with one another to create a vastly more powerful collective experience. The work builds on itself and intensifies throughout our 9 weeks together. It’s far more effective when done in this focused intensive manner — you magnetize energy to you and more easily shift energy frequencies.


Message From The ORACLE

Come home to yourself in just 9 weeks. Feel how you are on course and aligned in your destiny. Know you have nothing but green lights to make meaningful life choices.

Relax in the ease of living in certainty — you finally know where you belong and you have the tools you need to powerfully live your Destiny.

As ORACLE, I “SEE” your Life Destiny.

I “SEE” potential obstacles on your year-ahead horizon that may get in your way.

I “SEE” your energy healing needs on a quantum level — and I help heal them through my Shamanic Energy Healing Sessions.

I “SEE” with my ORACLE vision how to best guide you over 9 weeks to shift what you need to shift, and heal what you need healed.

I offer you HomePlay (not homeWORK!) — fun and effective personalized practices to integrate your deep shifts.

Please join me in this unique experience for the breakthrough you have wanted!


What You Get In Your 9 Week Breakthrough

Your experience is personally facilitated — I will be with you through every step of your deep dive into your magnificence!

You get the best of what I offer in this specially-crafted 9-week experience.

Unlock the power and splendor of your soul’s expression, and come home to yourself.

1 Soul Discovery Reading

Learn Who You Are, How You Look At The World, How Others See You & Your Soul’s Underlying Challenges. This personalized reading, containing a complete outline of your soul and personality in 23 distinct Soul & Personality traits, tells you Who You Are on the deepest level. Understand yourself in ways you never have before!

1 Life Destiny Reading & Destiny Amplification Session

Your Blueprint Of Why You Are Here, How You Belong, What You Are Meant To Do. You Come To Know WHY You Are Alive!

1 Wild & Delicious Life Forecast

A Personal Roadmap For A Year That Uncovers How To Best Use What Comes Your Way! The Forecast emphasizes aligning with your destiny and gives you a turbo boost to accelerate your alignment!

3 Shamanic Healing Sessions

Deep Healing.  Big Life Change.  Get Unstuck.  Rebalance.  Feel More Alive. This powerful healing technique removes energy blocks to realign you with the energy of your Destiny.  Three Shamanic Healing Sessions in 9 weeks is 9 times as effective as a single session.  Each session builds on the one before.

3 Hours of Intuitive Soul Coaching With the ORACLE

Unlock The Power Of Your Soul’s Potential.  Illuminate Your Truth.  Receive Support From Your Champion, Your Anam Cara, to Remember Your Magnificence! Tools, practices, perspectives, and guidance from the ORACLE to accelerate the speed with how you align your entire life with your Soul’s plans for your life..

Message From The ORACLE

Come home to yourself in just 9 weeks. Feel how you are on course and aligned in your destiny. Know you have nothing but green lights to make meaningful life choices.

Relax in the ease of living in certainty — you finally know where you belong and you have the tools you need to powerfully live your Destiny.

As ORACLE, I “SEE” your Life Destiny.

I “SEE” potential obstacles on your year-ahead horizon that may get in your way.

I “SEE” your energy healing needs on a quantum level — and I help heal them through my Shamanic Energy Healing Sessions.

I “SEE” with my ORACLE vision how to best guide you over 9 weeks to shift what you need to shift, and heal what you need healed.

I offer you HomePlay (not homeWORK!) — fun and effective personalized practices to integrate your deep shifts.

Please join me in this unique experience for the breakthrough you have wanted!

How It Works

Commit To Your Breakthrough

The biggest gift you can give yourself is the gift of YOU — unlocking your magnificence so you can live the life you want.

What is stopping you from honoring the most important person in your life — you — by committing now to breaking through to your soul’s plan? How much longer will you put up with a life of difficulty, pain, and blockages?

When you choose YOU, you open doors to living the life you dream about. You finally know you are on  the path to coming home to yourself, the place you always belonged .


9 Week Schedule

Week 1

Shamanic Healing Session

Intuitive Soul Coaching – 30 minutes

Week 2

Soul Discovery Reading

Week 3

Intuitive Soul Coaching – 60 minutes

Week 4

Shamanic Healing Session

Week 5

Life Destiny Reading

Destiny Amplification Session

Week 6

Intuitive Soul Coaching — 60 minutes

Week 7

Shamanic Healing Session

Week 8

Wild & Delicious Forecast

Week 9

Intuitive Soul Coaching – 30 minutes

Come Home To Yourself

Imagine feeling at ease in your body, mind, and soul.

Imagine knowing that you are on the right path.

Imagine resting in the certainty that you are finally expressing your soul’s desire and purpose.

Imagine unlocking the secrets of your magnificence.


Join Talyaa’s Raving Fans!

Thank you for meeting with me yesterday and for an amazing session. I am looking forward to listening to the session again as I did space out a few times! 😉

I have to say I was really looking forward to finding out what it feels like to be in a presence of such an entity, and I was not disappointed. I felt how the energy surrounded my body and was ‘checking me out’ so to speak. It was simply amazing.

Last night was even more amazing for me! I have had all kinds of stuff happening to me that I can’t even put into words. I had many many visions (that I can’t remember, as they were coming one after another in very short intervals), and I also felt like I had an out of body experience.

Then my third eye took me for a wild ride through the quantum world of energy! I could feel the pressure in my forehead, and the incredible power I had in that moment. I did not want it to end, ever.

Thank you so much for this experience! I am truly looking forward to getting to know myself better and having these experiences deliberately.

Pavlina O.


About This Package — Do I Really Offer My Services For Less?

I only reduce the price of my services when they are part of a package. The full price of all of these services when purchased together for this special experience would be $2,847. I offer it for $2,555. Here is why.

I do not discount my services. It doesn’t feel good to me — I am not a commodity, nor do I go on sale. However, when a client uses several of my services together, a number of things happen that feel good to me. Therefore I offer the overall experience of my services together for less than if purchased individually.

When I work intensely with someone with multiple services packaged together I invest less time — there is a synergy when working on an intensive basis with a single person.

In addition, I appreciate all of you who show up with enthusiasm and commitment to do the serious work you need to create the life you want. My enjoyment of working with people is very important to me. Usually, committed and enthusiastic clients are much more enjoyable to work with. Therefore I believe it is a win-win to reward committed and enthusiastic clients with a lower charge.

Thank you for supporting me on my journey, it is very dear to me. I had a very wounded aspect that was created through many experiences from this lifetime and from others which was about being not understood, and being rejected with all my spiritual views.

And I can feel already a difference after our yesterday session. It feels like I can breathe easy and be more present within my physical body. And it feels now that I released some huge burden that I was carrying and I am going into very new way of living. It feels like a very balanced state.

And yes, yesterday I felt so peaceful, and loved and nurtured and supported.

It was a feeling like being in Heaven where there is no struggle at all. It was a Divine experience.

So, thank you so much for the healing and I would like to do another session at the end of February before my trip to Hawaii.

Larisa S.

Spiritual Traveler

Questions? Get in touch.