Life Destiny Reading

Get Your Big WHY! Know Why You Are Here ... How You Belong ... What You Are Meant to Do!

Get Your Big Life WHY

Get answers to the ultimate question of life — Why you are here and what you are meant to do.

Finally understand your place in the world.

When you get your Life Destiny Reading, all the pieces finally fall into place … you are HOME. 

What You Get In Your Reading


✧  YOUR IDEAL DESTINY, assuming your ability to fulfill it

✧  BLOCKS to fulfilling your destiny

✧  WHAT IS REQUIRED to fulfill your destiny

✧  IMPACT ON WORLD, when your destiny is fulfilled and if it remains unfulfilled

✧  IMPACT ON YOUR COMMUNITY, when your destiny is fulfilled and if it remains unfulfilled

✧  IMPACT ON YOU, when your destiny is fulfilled and if it remains unfulfilled



I’ll send you your LIFE DESTINY READING as a PDF document via email, within 5-7 business days of your order.

Symptoms of Not (Yet) Living Your Destiny

  • Adrift And Aimless
  • Worthless
  • Life Is Meaningless
  • You Don’t Matter
  • Nothing You Do Matters
  • Don’t Know Why You Are Here
  • Don’t Know Where You Fit
  • Something Big Calls To You
  • There Must Be More To Your Life
  • Lonely
  • Isolated
  • A Negative Feeling Of Family Or Tribe
  • Unloved
  • Unsupported
  • Disconnected From Other People
  • An Inability To Connect Emotionally With Others
  • Unhealthy Connections To Past Partners Or Family Members
  • Sense Of Not Belonging
  • Stuck
  • Just Surviving Or Coping
  • Uninspired
  • Resigned
  • Dead Inside With No Dreams
  • Scared
  • Life Is Too Small To Try Anything New
  • Powerless To Make A Positive Difference In The World
  • Low Self Esteem
  • Chronic Illness
  • Weak Immune System
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Apathy
  • Numbness
  • Lack Of Vitality
  • Generalized Or Social Anxiety
  • Chronic Depression
  • Difficulty Staying Present In Your Body
  • Chronic Misfortune
  • Phobias

What Happens When You Don’t Know Your Destiny?

Most people don’t know their Destiny. A few find a way to live their Destiny even if they don’t know what it is. These are the people whose lives appear to flow and who seem to just have it all together. You may think of them as lucky, or that they have special help, or even that the universe favors them more than other people.

Most people just drift along in their lives, trying to make the next day better. They feel the way I felt most of my life — alone, adrift, always looking for the “one thing” that I thought would define my life and tell me what I was supposed to do.

Is that you? Do you feel like your life is supposed to have meaning and you’ll know it when you find it but until then you keep looking?

Imagine spending the rest of your life always looking over the next hill for the “one thing” that your life is supposed to be about. That’s what most people do.

You wouldn’t be here reading this if you didn’t think that your life matters and that you are here to do something with it. Don’t be the person who just fades away. That’s what happens to everyone else. You are here to matter. You are here to contribute. You are here to make a difference.

Let’s find out what it is, so you can LIVE it.

Knowing your destiny is like having a roadmap to the amazing adventure that you created before you were born.

When you know your destiny, everything in life fits. You know who you are and what you are here to do.

You have what you need to create a life that you LOVE.

Without you and the place you occupy in the web of humanity, your destiny would go unfulfilled, and your part in the universe would be empty — a hole in the fabric of human evolution.

What To Expect After Your Reading

Expect to feel blown away! Expect tears of truth and recognition. Expect deep shudders of relief. Expect to feel as if your life suddenly fell into place, and your deepest desires handed to you as the gift that they are.

You’ll connect with the deep truth of WHO YOU ARE AND WHY YOU ARE HERE that you created before you were born. You’ll feel renewed, re-energized, and inspired — excited to take the next steps to live your destined life.

  • Finally Know Who You Are And Why You Are Here
  • Have What You Need To Create A Life You Love
  • Feel Excited About Your Life
  • Colors Appear Brighter
  • Can’t Wait To Wake Up In The Morning
  • Feel Energized
  • Excited To Share Your Gifts With The World


“You will know the call of your destiny, because it will sound insane.”

— Elizabeth Gilbert

How I Create Your Destiny Reading

❖  Connect energetically to your energy field

❖  Access your soul-essence

❖  Every person’s energy field has a different feel

❖  Connect to the well of Destiny (the energy flow of collective human destiny)

❖  Envision your potential future as if you were connected to your destiny and living it

❖  Envision your potential future without your destiny

❖  Envision and feel how your destiny interrelates with humanity’s destiny — as if it is already happening!

How It Works

Order Your Destiny Reading

Order your Life Destiny Reading now, and within 5-10 business days you’ll receive your personal 1000-15000 word report of your bluepront for life. 

Imagine knowing exactly what you came here to do

Answer The Oracle's Questions

After I receive your order I’ll email you a set of questions I’ve prepared.

Your answers to these questions will help me focus on your unique qualities and how your life is destined to contribute to changes in the world.

This Is It! Prepare To Be Amazed!

You’ll receive your Life Destiny Reading by email in 5-10 business days.

Cry tears of joy and recognition at finally knowing the truth of why you are here and what you are here to do.

Once You Know Your Destiny, Everything Changes…

You Come Home — You Feel That You Belong!

Boost Your Life Destiny Reading With An Amplification Add-On!

Despite the heady inrush of aha’s and “of course!”s from your Life Destiny Reading, you will almost certainly have questions. After all, learning one’s Destiny is an unparalleled and momentous event (it often causes head-spinning and heart-leaping).

Get the most out of your Life Destiny Reading by presenting me with your followup questions in a 20-minute phone consultation. You’ll receive detailed answers to your questions via email within 48 hours.

 Followup questions after a Destiny Reading to get details on particulars 

 20 minute phone conversation

 Receive answers by email within 48 hours after phone conversation 

Fewer than 21 days since receiving your Life Destiny Reading? order a Destiny Amplification Add-On. This service is only available within 21 days of receiving your Destiny Reading. Within that time, your channeled information is still easily accessible within my channeling “buffer” and generally requires no further work for me to access the energy download that your reading came from.

More than 21 days since receiving your Life Destiny Reading? book a Channeling Session. I have to invest extra time and effort to re-download the bundle of energy that then becomes your channeled information, so a Channeling Session is better suited for your Life Destiny Reading questions.


Raving Fans of Life Destiny Readings


The Life Destiny Reading you did for me changed how I live my life! It’s a blessing to have this information! I wondered for so long what the hell I was doing here.

Now I have a better understanding, thanks to you, of why I’m here, as me, this time, in this body, which means I can wonder less about the why and focus more on simply being. Thank you again.

Perrine D.

My Life Destiny Reading was an “effective kick in the butt” to get back on track. It woke me up to what I was meant to do, and in a sense it confirmed what was in the back of my mind for a long time. It put aside doubts I had that were put there by people around me to keep me in my place and keep me from what I needed to do.

I consider my Destiny Reading a powerful tool. It also got me on the right track with the study of Kabbalah, which I started about 21 years ago, and with it I am well along the way towards finding purpose in life.

Richard O.

Questions? Get in touch.